School Information
School Information
School Unit: Acton School Department
School Unit: Acton School Department
City, State: Acton, ME
City, State: Acton, ME
County: York
County: York
Location: Google Maps
Location: Google Maps
School Unit Size: 250
School Unit Size: 250
School Size/Description: K-8 elementary
School Size/Description: K-8 elementary
Community Description: The Acton Community is committed to providing a high quality experience for the students of Acton. Located in So. Maine near the NH border.
Community Description: The Acton Community is committed to providing a high quality experience for the students of Acton. Located in So. Maine near the NH border.
Submit Applications to
Submit Applications to
Central Office
Central Office
Acton Elementary School
Acton Elementary School
700 Milton Mills Road
700 Milton Mills Road
Acton, ME 04001
Acton, ME 04001
Phone: (207) 636-2100
Phone: (207) 636-2100
Fax: (207) 636-4525
Fax: (207) 636-4525
E-mail: koliver@actonschool.org
E-mail: koliver@actonschool.org
Substitute Employment Information
Substitute Employment Information
We are eagerly seeking substitute teachers.
We are eagerly seeking substitute teachers.
Please fill out the application and register to get fingerprinted per ME law.
Please fill out the application and register to get fingerprinted per ME law.
Maine law requires that all school employees have their fingerprints taken so that state and federal criminal background checks can be conducted. This requirement must be met within eight weeks from the date of hire. If an employee does not currently hold an approval certificate from the ME Department of Education, he or she must obtain a temporary approval (which is valid for the first eight weeks of employment) and then be fingerprinted during one of the available fingerprinting sessions established by the Maine Department of Education. Once you receive an approval certificate from the ME Department of Education, please forward a copy to the District Office.
Maine law requires that all school employees have their fingerprints taken so that state and federal criminal background checks can be conducted. This requirement must be met within eight weeks from the date of hire. If an employee does not currently hold an approval certificate from the ME Department of Education, he or she must obtain a temporary approval (which is valid for the first eight weeks of employment) and then be fingerprinted during one of the available fingerprinting sessions established by the Maine Department of Education. Once you receive an approval certificate from the ME Department of Education, please forward a copy to the District Office.