Attendance Information

All children between the ages of 7 and 17 are required by Maine law to attend public school full-time.

After five absences and/or tardies in one school year, whether excused or unexcused, parents will be notified via letter and asked to call the principal. After ten absences and/or tardies, whether excused or unexcused, parents will be notified and asked to attend a conference that includes the student, the principal or designee, and the guidance counselor.

The Police Department may proceed with prosecution of the parent(s) if the child is habitually truant.

Review the complete attendance policy here.

If your child will be absent please contact the school at 207-636-2100 or email

JEE - Attendance and Truancy

K-5 - Leave of Absence Form

Student LOA K-5

6-8 - Leave of Absence Form

Student LOA 6-8